Settlers United Installation


  1. Go to the Settlers United website:

  2. Download Settlers United by clicking on the button.

  3. Execute the installation as soon as the download is completed.

  4. Click on the button "Log in via Discord".

  5. Install Settlers 3 or Settlers 4 if you have not already done so.

  6. Done. Need help changing settings, joining games or creating new games? Then have a look at the next paragraph "Getting Started".

Getting Started

  1. In the lobby you can see open and running Settlers 3 and Settlers 4 games.

  2. You can join an open game by clicking on it.

  3. You can create your own game by clicking on the "New game" button in the top right-hand corner.

  4. You can change the settings by clicking on the gear symbol.

  5. If you want to exchange information with other players, you can do this via the text and voice channels in Discord, which you can see on the left.

Last updated